To encourage TISIRI's "name a reef" program we put the video below together . The story describes the benefits of artificial reefs, the efforts behind them, and how a reef site can be named through a Charitable contribution to TISIRI.
Below from the description posted at YouTube.
"TISIRI's Joe Kistel explains how to establish an indefinite form of positive exposure through artificial reef creation.
Reefs can be named after yourself or a loved one. A reef can even be named after a business creating a unique and lasting marketing opportunity. Fishermen, Scubadivers, and tourist will utilize your reef while it benefits the marine environment.
Contact TISIRI to learn how you can name our next artificial reef
Visit the TISIRI webpage or contact us at [email protected]
TISIRI headquarters = 904-394-2938
Video and camera support provided by Larry Davis and One World Ocean Productions."