In less then 24 hours the cutter Mohawk will be resting on the sea floor offshore Lee county. Today, TISIRI's Joe Kistel and Ed Kalakauskis wish the Mohawk bon voyage. At roughly 9:30 this morning the ship called the Mohawk was untied from her last pier-side docking at Kelly Bro's Marina. The vessel began her tow offshore Lee County to anchor offshore for the sinking event tomorrow.
Tomorrow Kistel and Kalakauskis will participate in the Mohawk sinking capturing pictures and video throughout the process. They also hope to investigate nearby reefs offshore Sanibel Island for TISIRI's Reefs Revealed mapping efforts. Check back tomorrow afternoon for pictures and video of the Mohawk reef making event.
Map and GPS coordinates of the intended Mohawk deployment location, click here.
Hope to make it out for the Mohawk sinking tomorrow.
Looking forward to the Mohawk deployment
Have a fun safe trip watching the Mohawk ship become a reef.