Hammerhead and Kistel on NBC2 News

Joe Kistel on NBC2 News broadcast in Lee County Florida describing his encounter with a large Hammerhead.

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A team of divers went on a routine trip 25 miles off Fort Myers Beach on Saturday studying reefs. But during the excursion, they ran into something unexpected.

"I don't think he meant me any harm by any means. But if he was curious, it could've been a bad day," said Joe Kistel, Executive Director of reef research firm Tisiri.

Kistel came face-to-face with an 8-foot hammerhead shark in the blue Gulf waters.

He grabbed his camera and then shared the footage with us.

Though the video is very impressive, it turns out it's not all that unusual.

Bryan Fluech, marine agent for the University of Florida Extension in Collier County, says it's common to see hammerheads off the Gulf coast this time of year.

"Spring is a time of year when you have a lot of abundant food sources, near shore, close tt shore, up in the estuaries," said Fluech. "It's an active time for feeding and spawning."

In other words, he says, don't panic if you see one.

Fluech says Florida records show there have only been 14 confirmed shark attacks in Lee, Collier and Charlotte counties since 1882. That's right: 14 attacks in more than 100 years.

If you want to learn more about sharks, it's shark month at the Rookery Bay Learning Center in Naples, with speakers, special exhibits and a large collection of unique shark artwork.

By Dan Cassuto"

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