TISIRI Artist Scholarship Opportunity

TISIRI is working towards publishing a brief chldren's book and is looking for an illustrator. If you consider yourself an artist and can create animated characters, click here to learn more and apply for the scholorship.

A children's book is being created regarding a previous Artificial Reef Project. The story is a brief biography of a ship/character, called "The Spike." It is a feel good, rag-to-riches, theme and will introduce young readers to artificial reef ecosystems. The story starts with the Spike as a normal tugboat who then becomes damaged and is no longer able to serve the tug industry. Ultimately he finds another productive use with his life as an artificial reef.

The book is brief, roughly 20 pages, and will include both actual imagery and illustrations. The primary character, "Spike," will need to be created as an animation and presented in a variety of situations throughout the story.

Below are pictures of the Spike at various stages provided for a visual reference. Big facial features and expression are encouraged to engage young readers.

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