An artificial reef was created using over 700 tons of clean recycled concrete material off the Coast of Jacksonville Florida on August 2nd, 2013. The reef material was placed within the Floyds Folly permitted boundaries (Permit SAJ-2007-261) at an average depth of 73 feet.TISIRI located, surveyed, and mapped the reef material on 8-2-13 (less than one hour after the reef deployment). Divers that participated made general observations and swam prescribed radial headings sketching material layout along their path.Reef material was found dispersed in a random and sporadic fashion with both densely clustered congregations as well as isolated pieces. Some fish species were observed as well as a few mobile invertebrates. The reef was placed well within the permitted boundaries and the maximum vertical relief from the seafloor was below 50 feet from the surface. The reef deployment appears to meet regulatory requirements and should evolve into productive marine habitat.
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